Zombified (Book 1): Hudson Place Read online

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  Charlie listened to the hiss of static for a moment before Dexter’s booming voice came over. “Yeah, what’s up?”

  “The sky is looking pretty bad, looks like we could get rain at any time; do you think we should turn back and wait until this thing blows over?”

  Dexter’s reply was immediate. “Nah, from what we were told this shouldn’t take too long. Heck, we should be done and back before the storm hits.”

  Charlie glanced at his daughter with a baleful expression on his face before replying. “Dex, we shouldn’t underestimate these things, remember what happened before?”

  A few seconds elapsed before Dexter replied. “Yeah, I hear what you’re sayin’ and we’ll be careful. We know these things are getting smarter all the time, but they’re still not smart enough to defeat us. We got enough people and firepower to finish this fast, so just hang tight and keep going. The quicker we get there, the quicker this will be over.”

  “Ok, whatever you think,” Charlie said with a sigh. He glanced over at Jenny with a sorrowful look on his face. “I have a bad feeling about this.”

  Jenny placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. “Don’t worry Dad; we might be able to finish this before the storm hits.” She gave him a bright smile in the hope of making him feel better. “Remember, the scouts said there were only a few of those things with Gordon, this really shouldn’t take long.”

  As he patted her hand resting on his shoulder he replied with a sigh, “I hope you’re right – for all our sakes.”

  Chapter 19

  Mick paced nervously back and forth in their small bedroom while Cindy sat on the bed trying to read a book. Finally she snapped it shut and looked up at him. “Ok, I give – what’s on your mind?”

  He stopped in mid-pace and looked at her in surprise. “I’m sorry, didn’t realize what I was doing.” He dropped onto the bed next to her and patted her knee. “This whole situation has got me unnerved. We don’t know what’s going on with the boys, we don’t know what’s happening at Shady Oaks, and we sure as heck don’t know what’s going to happen here. Guess we’re in a real pickle.”

  “Well, if we have to leave we still have enough vehicles here, although it would be a tight fit to get everyone out,” Cindy said, her brow furrowing in thought. “We could convoy to Shady Oaks and join everyone there – who knows – maybe they could use our help and we wouldn’t be a hindrance at all.”

  Mick shook his head. “I know we could do that if we need to. What I’m worried about is what Bill told us, some of the things he said were rather – well – strange.”

  Cindy’s eyebrows rose as she asked, “How so? Do you think he wasn’t telling us the truth, and why would he lie to us?”

  “I don’t know exactly, it almost seemed like he was reading a page from an adventure novel. Military muscles in, oh but wait, they’re not the bad guys, its this big “corporation” with hired guns to do their bidding.” Mick looked at Cindy with confusion written all over his features. “I’m not sure who the “bad guys” are or even if there is such a thing. I mean, the whole world is a mess and seems to me even the folks in the military would be busy trying to stay alive right now, let alone trying to bring folks in to use as guinea pigs for some experiments.”

  Cindy nodded slowly. “I see what you mean. So, if there isn’t any real threat, why in the world would Bill say there was?”

  “I never said there wasn’t a real threat, it seems unlikely is all,” Mick said. “The thing that worries me the most is why Bill would lead us to believe there was one.”

  “How well does Dave know this guy anyway?” Cindy asked as she placed her book on the nightstand and stood up. “Maybe we should ask Dave how trustworthy he is.”

  Mick rolled off the bed and winced when he heard a loud clap of thunder. “Think we’re in for a storm, about time I say. Anyway, think I’ll grab Dave and see what he says about Bill. I have a lot of questions and I can’t see any answers to them right now.”

  “Hopefully Dave can answer them,” Cindy said as she headed for the door. “Let’s cancel this for now and go help get dinner on the table."

  Mick winced as another clap of thunder shook the ground and rattled the windows. "Sounds good to me, lead the way."

  Chapter 20

  “Ok, everyone’s in position, we go on my signal,” Dexter said, his voice barely audible on the walkie through the rain drumming down on the hood of the truck cab. “We’re going to wait a few minutes to see if this lets up so be ready.”

  Charlie glanced at Jenny, who was wiping the windshield with a paper towel in an effort to get a better view. Even with the wipers going full blast, the football field was a blur and he could barely see the bleachers on the other side.

  “Damn!” Jenny muttered as she sat back. “This is bad; I still can’t see a thing.”

  Charlie gently took the soggy paper towel from her hand and began to clean his side of the windshield. Finishing he replied, “Well, it helped, but not much. Guess we’ll have to sit here until it lets up.”

  “Yeah, but couldn’t that be dangerous? I mean, we can’t see and those things out there could be coming this way and we wouldn’t even know it,” she replied nervously as she reached over and made sure for what Charlie was certain was the fourth time that her door was securely locked. “I don’t like feeling of being so exposed out here.”

  “It will be ok honey,” he said in a soothing voice. “If anything comes up to the truck all I have to do is drive away.”

  Jenny chuckled nervously. “Oh yeah, hadn’t thought of that.” She took a deep breath. “Guess I’m freaking myself out.”

  They sat silently, straining to see out the windows. Jenny suddenly sat up straighter and cocked her head to one side, pressing her cheek against the window. “The rain is letting up!”

  Charlie leaned forward to get a better look out the windshield and nodded. He noticed the sound of the rain pelting the top of the pickup cab had noticeably let up as well. As they continued to look out, the rain stopped abruptly as though someone had turned off a spigot.

  They both leaned back against the seat and looked out the windshield as Charlie reached over and turned off the wipers. They could now see the other trucks in a rough semi-circle near their end of the field and there didn’t seem to be a sign of anything moving in the football field or around the bleachers.

  “Don’t see anything, Dad,” Jenny said quietly. “Do you think the rain drove them away?”

  Charlie frowned thoughtfully then shook his head. “Doubtful I’d say; these things probably wouldn’t let a little rain bother them – or much of anything else for that matter.”

  Both of them twitched slightly when Dexter’s voice came over the walkie. “Ok, everyone out and take it slow. Remember, try to keep in a rough line and space yourselves out.”

  Charlie smiled at his daughter as he reached over to smooth a strand of hair from her forehead. “Stick close, ok?”

  Jenny gave a nervous laugh. “I’ll be so close we might as well be wearing the same shoes.”

  As Charlie gave a low chuckle, they unlocked the doors, undid their seatbelts, and quietly exited the truck.


  “Hey, we’re almost there I think,” Scott said as he pointed off to his right. “Yep, there’s the town sign – finally!”

  Sean let out a low whoop and sat straighter in his seat. “About damn time! Hey, anyone know where the school is? I’m thinking we should head right over there.”

  Scott shook his head. “Don’t think they’ll be there; let’s try the place they’re staying at, with all the rain I’m betting they waited.”

  “Don’t be so sure,” Sean replied as he fumbled with the walkie-talkie. “Dexter is in charge, remember? I bet that hothead went regardless of the storm.”

  Sean fiddled with the dials on the walkie then keyed it up. “Dex? Charlie? This is Sean, where are you guys? We’re in town and need to know where to meet up.”

  When his request was
met with nothing but static, Sean groaned, smacked the walkie with the back of his hand, and asked again. “Damn! Where are those guys and why aren’t they responding?” He waved the walkie in the air.

  “Got it on the right channel?” Jacob asked from behind.

  “Yeah, think so,” Sean replied. “Ok, what do you guys want to do? I say we go ahead and find the school, if they’re not there we can drive around – I’m sure we’ll spot them. If they are at the school, then we’ll be there that much sooner to help ‘em out.”

  “Sounds like a plan,” Scott said as he turned onto the main road into town. “Charlie said the town has a central area and the school is close by, so we’ll swing by there, we should be able to see it. Keep trying to get hold of them though Sean, ok?”

  “Sure thing,” Sean said agreeably as he began to turn the dials again. “I’m trying to remember which channel they said to use, maybe I’ll find it before we get too far.”

  In the backseat, Jacob glanced at Mark who just shrugged his shoulders and shook his head.

  Chapter 21

  Mick didn’t get a chance to question Dave further. As the storm seemed to be at its worst, with lightning and thunder all around, he got a call on his walkie. Lilly informed him that Jeff spotted a small caravan of vehicles heading up the road toward them from the east and he was to meet Dave downstairs.

  “A small caravan?” Cindy said after Mick quickly filled her in. She followed him down the stairs. “I know it’s storming, but should someone be on the balcony?”

  “Probably, we’ll ask Dave what he wants to do,” Mick huffed as he practically ran down the stairs. He was feeling a burst of adrenaline and was hoping they were ordinary folks headed their way and not people who intended them harm.

  Dave met them at the foot of the stairs, gripping Mick’s arm as they walked toward the door. “I got Bill on the walkie, it’s him and his group,” Dave said hurriedly as they walked toward the door with Cindy close behind. “They decided they would try their hardest to get here to help us, and from what he says, the others are right on their heels.”

  As they rushed to the door, Dave stopped long enough to make sure Jeff was still on the balcony. When Jeff gave the all clear, Mick unlocked the door and pulled it wide open. The first vehicle pulled up and a short, pudgy man with horn-rimmed glasses and a receding hairline stepped out and hurried to the door. Behind him Mick could see three Humvees with men manning some big guns on top, and there were two SUV’s with more men exiting them quickly and taking up positions around the door and perimeter.

  Dave stepped back to allow the man entry, then turned and waved a hand. “Mick, Cindy, this is Bill,” he said simply as he laid his other hand on Bill’s shoulder.

  Bill nodded curtly and cleared his throat. “Pleased to meet you,” he said in a nasally tone of voice that made Mick stare at him in amusement. The guy reminded him of a fat little mouse – or a weasel. “We’re here to help you all out and I’m glad we got here in time.”

  “You and me both,” Dave said jovially. “Ah, here comes more of our group,” he said with a nod toward the stairs as Lilly, Sarah, and several others descended.

  After quick introductions were made, they once again turned their full attention to Dave and Bill. Dave quickly filled them in on what was happening and Mick watched their faces as they digested what he’d said.

  Still smiling, Bill sauntered over to the door and let two of his heavily armed men in. “We need to get some guys in position,” he explained as he cleared his throat again. “Where is the best place for them?”

  Dave stared at the men for a moment before replying. “Um, most likely the roof would give them the best vantage point. Do you think that’s necessary though? Surely when the Connor group gets here and sees all the manpower you have, shouldn’t that be enough to discourage them?”

  Bill smiled and when he did, Mick felt shivers go down his spine; it didn’t help when he felt Cindy’s fingers tighten on his arm. She doesn’t like him either, he thought to himself. As Bill cleared his throat again, Mick imagined that habit could become very annoying.

  “We want to make sure we know what direction they’re coming from. We also want to be able to have an advantage over them if they decide to fight.”

  Mick watched Dave closely to see what his decision would be. To his relief, Dave slowly shook his head. “I don’t think it’s a good idea to bring a firefight right to the door. We’ve got children here and someone could get hurt.”

  Bill’s eyes squinted a bit as he cleared his throat once again. “Well, this is your place and I guess it’s your call.”

  Mick felt himself relax as Bill turned toward his men. Then his eyes widened in horror as Bill spun back around, aimed a pistol directly at Dave, and pulled the trigger. The back of Dave’s skull blew apart in a mist of blood and brain matter, showering Mick and Cindy. Dave flew back and hit the floor hard. For a few stunned seconds, no one moved or even breathed. Then Mick heard a wailing and knew it was from Lilly. As if in slow motion, he put his arm around his wife and drew her along until he got to Lilly. Quickly grabbing her with his other hand, he held her against him.

  “Sorry about that, but I really had no other choice,” he heard the evil little man say behind them. “The others are coming, but they’re coming for us – not you. You see, we are the ones who really need all of you to help us out with our – let us say – experiments. We are the Connor group. So, let’s all go upstairs and wait a bit, shall we?”

  Mick turned his head to see Bill wave the gun at them. He wanted nothing more than to kill the man at that moment. He felt Cindy tug at him and realized she knew what he was thinking.

  “Not now, Mick,” she whispered harshly. “Let’s do what they say. We have to get Lilly out of here.”

  Mick nodded absently and looked up at the others who were standing numbly in shock; he could see Sarah weeping quietly.

  Taking one more glance at his friend lying in a pool of blood on the ground, Mick swallowed hard and nodded at the others. “Let’s do what he says, everyone go on up.”

  As they headed up the stairs, he heard Bill chuckle behind him. “Smart man, make sure to keep them in line because I would hate for someone else to end up like poor old Dave here.”

  As Mick herded the group up the stairs, he heard Bill giving orders to his men, and he vowed that somehow – someway, he would stop them. He owed Dave and the others who now depended on him that much, even if it meant he ended up dead, too.

  Chapter 22

  Although it was still dark from the low clouds directly overhead, Charlie and the others proceeded slowly across the football field toward the bleachers. Now that the storm had moved off, the silence was eerie. He glanced over at Jenny, who gave him a small quick grin. He shifted in his seat when he heard Dexter’s voice emanate from the walkie clipped to his belt.

  “Ok, keep your eyes peeled, those bastards are hiding beneath the bleachers for sure.”

  Charlie squinted to get a better look in the darkness underneath the bleachers, but could make out no moving shapes. He flinched when he heard a shout off to his right.

  “Look out! They’re coming from the school!”

  Everyone turned to their left and sure enough, Charlie could see zombies pouring from the lower basement level of the school out onto the field.

  “Look! They’re over there too!” Someone else shouted.

  Charlie jerked his head to the right and saw more zombies coming from behind the end of the bleachers.

  Dexter didn’t bother with using his walkie and yelled, “Everyone get in a circle facing outward! We’ll take ‘em out that way!”

  As they raced toward the center of the field, Charlie had a sinking feeling. This is madness he thought, grabbing Jenny’s arm to hurry her along. They reached the center and as everyone turned to face the zombies, they formed a ragged circle and began to fire.

  “Dad!” Jenny yelled over the deafening noise. “This is not gonna work! Look at h
ow many there are!”

  Charlie groaned inwardly as more and more zombies, seemingly appearing from nowhere, converged on the small group. Damn Dexter to hell! Charlie seethed silently as he reloaded and continued to fire. He heard someone scream and they kept screaming, the sound going higher and higher until it was suddenly cut off. Then he heard someone else cry out. We’re going to die here, he thought as he continued to take down one zombie after another, but it was doing no good. As soon as he hit one, another took its place.

  “What do we do?” Jenny shouted as she moved up against her father, firing away with her rifle.

  Charlie leaned toward her and yelled in her ear. “Keep firing, I’ll watch for an opening then we’ll make a break for it!”